Wednesday, December 31, 2008

SC Unemployment Woes

As many of you may know, the Governor of SC and the ESEC has until 5pm today to settle an agreement on the Unemployment Agency Audit. If an agreement is not reached today, over 77,000 people in the state will stop receiving unemployment.

Do you know someone whom maybe effected by the Governor's Action? let me know what you think.

Monday, December 22, 2008

The True Spirit of Christmas

Today's post is not going to be about politics, it is going to be about life. Christmas 2008 will probably one of the most somber ones in history. I think the opposite, I believe that this is a humble season. I know it is hard for a lot of people. I am one of the many Americans that is unemployed. This Christmas has helped me to realize that the true meaning of the season is about Christ, family and love. So remember the ones whom love you and the ones you love this Christmas. I know it times are hard, but once you reflect on the good that God has done, your Christmas and days after will be bright.

Merry Christmas!

Thursday, December 18, 2008

Will Governor Sanford cause The Republicans to loose their grip on South Carolina?

South Carolina's Governor Mark Sanford is once again showing he is out of touch with the people of his state. In today's Charlotte Observer it states that "Sanford is against a proposal by fellow governors to provide billions for infrastructure projects. He states that more debt is not the answer, and the nation is already sinking in it."

The article went on to say that "Sanford does not believe the statistics on unemployment in SC are accurate (8%unemployment for the state) and wants another financial audit of the unemployment agency-the standoff threatens to halt weekly payments of up to $326 for about 77,000 people. " He also has yet to ask Washington for $147 million needed to carry the state through the end of March Other states like Michigan and Indiana have already done so.

This is absurd! Here you have a state that is one of the poorest in the nation with 8% unemployment and you refuse help from Washington. I call on SC Republicans to wake up! This is not the time for ideology, this is the time for helping the people of SC. SC cannot afford to elect another governor like Sanford in 2010. When the Republican Governors Association elected him [Sanford] as their leader, they were expressing to us that the views of Sanford are their views as well. I strongly believe that if Sanford continues his defiance, South Carolina's days of being a totalitarian state will be over. I call on all citizens of SC and civic organizations like the National Association for the Advancement of Colored People (NAACP) and others to fight now and give SC back to the people.

Wednesday, December 17, 2008

Sen Kennedy?

The last couple of days, there has been a lot of talk about Caroline Kennedy being appointed to Sen Clinton's seat. Many New Yorkers and others around the country believe that she is only being considered because of her last name. Now, I am a believer that in the world of politics the common man should run for office and serve the people. I also believe that a politician should be just a regular person because they understand the struggles of their community. Of course in some cases, it is not like that. When it comes to the Kennedy Family, they have done a lot for the common good despite their wealth. Most wealthy people tend to forget the common man and do not serve the community.

Caroline Kennedy is very good choice for the seat. I can attest as a former New Yorker, that she will be good for the state. Herself as well as her family has done a lot for the country and a lot for the State of New York. I recall reading a piece by John F Kennedy written during his Sen Campaign that he was well aware of the fact that his family name helped him tremendously. However he also urged the public not to hold that against him. I believe that this should be the same case with Caroline. The public should not detest her for something that she cannot change, that she is a Kennedy.

Tuesday, December 16, 2008

Do you Trust the United Way?

In today's Charlotte Observer there is a report on how the CEO of United Way of The Carolinas adjusted her retirement pension and pay to meet her personal needs. This is just flat out shameful. With millions of people loosing their houses and jobs, we still have CEO's whom feel that they must get millions and will break the law to do it. The power is in the people, and we must stop it.

Monday, December 15, 2008

Why is NC considering taxing drivers by the mile?

According to an article in today's Charlotte Observer, the NC State Government is considering a "road-use tax". The Observer states that "transportation experts say new GPS technology could allow the state to charge people different rates based on when and where they drive in an attempt to manage congestion. "

The article also goes on to say that it is unlikely that this tax will come in 2009. I understand that the state wants to manage congestion, however, this is not the answer. If the state wants to manage congestion, do what other states like NY have done and grow your transit system. That means more buses, trains, and possibly a train that can take you from Charlotte to Raleigh and vice versa.

Let me know what you think.

The Shame of the Governor of South Carolina

There has been a lot of talk in the news lately of the ridiculous acts of the Gov of IL. Well there is another Gov that is doing injustice to the people of his state, Gov. Mark Sanford (R)-SC. In Sunday's edition of the State Paper (Statewide paper for SC), there is an article that talks about the money allocated in the Obama Stimulus Plan for States. The Gov of SC does not want this money. "South Carolina, among the poorest states, finds itself in the peculiar position of being led by a governor and a U.S. Senator who oppose getting almost $2.5 billion from Washington to repave roads, build schools and upgrade sewer plants-creating tens of thousands of jobs in very hard times." (The State Paper 12-14-08).

The article goes on to say that the benefits under Obama's Economic Plan could fill the state government revenue shortfall and help improve the I-95 "Corridor of Shame". Sanford and DeMint believe that using borrowed money to fix infrastructure is not the answer. Well, here is my answer. I believe that it is a crying shame when you have a state where unemployment is high and health care is low that you don't have the moral judgement under God to accept any type of help to aide American Citizens! The voters of SC should be ashamed of their Governor and their Senator. I understand that SC is a red state and that Republicans rule. However, the time has really come for a change in SC. I urge all voters in SC to start now and to vote for leaders whom have your interest in heart and that will not lead by radical ideology.

Friday, December 12, 2008

The Bush Legacy?

Today, the current President stated that the White House may step in and help to bailout the auto industry. I believe this is good but at the same time he is doing it to save his legacy. What do you think? Leave a comment on the blog

Thursday, December 11, 2008

Breaking News. Senate just killed Bail Out Bill for the Big 3

Breaking News on AC 360, the Senate has killed the Bail Out Bill for the Big 3. What do you think this means? I have mixed feelings about this bill. However, it will cause me great pain to see over 3million people lose their jobs. What do you think? Leave a comment on the blog.

The US Government Shares of the Economy have Soared

According to the USA Today, "The government's spending surge to ease the financial crisis and a worsening recession is increasing the federal share of the nations economic activity close to $1 out of every $4, the highest level since WWII." According to this article, do you think the New Deal Part II is here? Are you cutting back this Christmas because of the economy?

Leave your comment on my blog. Also check out Alvin Murdock's blog post at :

Wednesday, December 10, 2008

Is the Cloud of Corruption hovering over the Democratic Party?

In the wake of the Gov of Ill being arrested for trying to sell Obama's Senate seat and Congressmen William Jefferson's corruption charges, one has to ask if the DNC is heading down the same road as the RNC. I say they are not but the Democrats have to make sure that they don't make the same mistake as the GOP. They (democrats) must not turn a blind eye to evil and corruption. They must denounce it at all cost.

What do you think? leave a comment on my blog.

Monday, December 8, 2008

Is the Left Wing of the Democratic Party attacking Obama unfairly?

I believe that the Left Wing needs to chill and give Obama a pass. He is doing the right thing by appointing moderate to center people to his cabinet. This is how you lead and this is how you get things done is DC.

Leave your comment on my blog. If you are interested in writing with my blog, please visit and leave your information.

Thursday, December 4, 2008

Do you feel that the Deep South is becoming isolated from the rest of the Country?

With the recent win of Sen Chambliss in GA, many are wondering if the GOP is just becoming a Deep South Party. Do you agree? Leave a comment on my Blog. Also visit