Tuesday, February 24, 2009

OBAMA: "We Will Recover and We will Rebuild"

During his first address before a joint session of Congress, President Barack Obama stated that the "Day of Reckoning has Arrived" The President laid out a bold agenda for the country which included a cure for cancer, energy efficiency and affordable health care. President Barack Obama also stated that “we will rebuild, we will recover and the United States of America will emerge stronger than before.” The President was embraced by many well wishers and applause's. GOP Governor Bobby Jindal of LA will be giving the GOP response after the President speaks.

Alan Keys does not acknowledge Barack Obama as President

According to the Ticket Blog with the Los Angeles Times, Alan Keys has stirred back up the debate about the authenticity of the President’s Birth Certificate. The blog states that Keys “calls Obama a communist and usurper and says he refuses to acknowledge the validity of Obama's inauguration over lingering questions in the minds of many conspiracists about the 44th president's birthplace. The President was born in Hawaii which is a state. This is not the first time the President’s citizenship has been brought into question. After Obama was elected, many conservatives began a campaign to try to prove that the President was not an American Citizen.

The constitution clearly states that a person running for President must be an American Citizen. If the President was not an American Citizen, he would not have been able to run for President, let alone serve in the U.S. Senate. The courts have proved as well as the State of Hawaii that the President is an American Citizen