Like many Americans, I am worried about our country and our economy. I do have faith in the President Elect but we are in some troubling times. A lot of people are asking and wondering, why are we in this mess? Some have said why but others have not been direct. We are in this because (in my opinion) of the money that has been spent in Iraq (without the raising of taxes and using borrowed money), and the lack of oversight from the current administration. Today, the Dow Jones fell 444 points, and the auto-companies want a bail out of 25 million. I believe that they should get a loan with interest (just like us when we by a car or house) and the interest that is paid should go to the American People. They should also be, Like President-Elect Obama stated, someone in the White House to over look this loan that will be given to them. This is the time for America to shine and we must be that beacon to the world.