Monday, February 23, 2009

The Politics of A Nation is now on!

The Politics of a Nation Blog is now on the! "SCIway, pronounced "sky-way," is an acronym for South Carolina Information Highway. It is the largest and most comprehensive directory of South Carolina information on the Internet. Most of the 6.5 million people who visit SCIway each year either live in South Carolina or want to move here or vacation here.
SCIway includes thousands of links to other South Carolina web sites as well as a growing collection of maps, charts, articles, and other resources we've developed. It is organized by subject areas – such as education, history, jobs, real estate, and tourism". (from the sciway website). This is a big step for this young blogspot. Now the whole world will be able to view this site and become informed.

NY Post Cartoon Shows that Racism is Not Dead

The NY Post sketched a cartoon that showed two white police officers killing a crazed monkey. After they killed the monkey, they both said to each other “They will have to find someone else to write the next stimulus bill ” This was a direct attack on the President of the United States. I am furious that a paper like the NY Post which has been around for a long time would stoop to such low and dark actions. I believe strongly that Mayor Bloomberg and Governor Patterson should take action on this matter. We as community leaders should join local organizations like the NAACP, our churches and others to come up with a mobilization plan to make sure that this will not happen again. We must realize that the election of President Obama has displayed great progress but it may also resurrect ghost from the past that we must defeat with all our might and our liberty.