Thursday, December 18, 2008

Will Governor Sanford cause The Republicans to loose their grip on South Carolina?

South Carolina's Governor Mark Sanford is once again showing he is out of touch with the people of his state. In today's Charlotte Observer it states that "Sanford is against a proposal by fellow governors to provide billions for infrastructure projects. He states that more debt is not the answer, and the nation is already sinking in it."

The article went on to say that "Sanford does not believe the statistics on unemployment in SC are accurate (8%unemployment for the state) and wants another financial audit of the unemployment agency-the standoff threatens to halt weekly payments of up to $326 for about 77,000 people. " He also has yet to ask Washington for $147 million needed to carry the state through the end of March Other states like Michigan and Indiana have already done so.

This is absurd! Here you have a state that is one of the poorest in the nation with 8% unemployment and you refuse help from Washington. I call on SC Republicans to wake up! This is not the time for ideology, this is the time for helping the people of SC. SC cannot afford to elect another governor like Sanford in 2010. When the Republican Governors Association elected him [Sanford] as their leader, they were expressing to us that the views of Sanford are their views as well. I strongly believe that if Sanford continues his defiance, South Carolina's days of being a totalitarian state will be over. I call on all citizens of SC and civic organizations like the National Association for the Advancement of Colored People (NAACP) and others to fight now and give SC back to the people.

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