Friday, May 22, 2009

SC State Rep Dennis Moss joins the GOP, trouble for SC Dems?

State House Rep Dennis Moss switched parties and is now a Republican. According to Moss, "I came to this decision after weeks of soul-searching and consulting with my family and friends,” Rep. Moss said. “This is not a decision I made lightly, but as my State House voting record indicates, I find myself siding with Republicans on the issues important to my constituents." According to House Majority Leader Bingham, “Last month’s election and today’s announcement gives Cherokee County a seat at the table in Columbia it hasn’t had in more than two decades,” said the Majority Leader . “This shows that the Republican Party is alive and well in South Carolina and talk of a Democrat takeover is little more than chest-thumping rhetoric.” Moss represents the conservative districts of Cherokee, Chester and York Counties.

Is the majority leader right when he states that talk of a Democrat takeover is little more than "chest-thumping rhetoric"? The South Carolina Democrats still have a chance to win elections but they must run in the center. If they can recruit candidates that can speak on the local facts and not dwell on national policy, then the tide will turn. Dems will also have to look within the party to make sure that everyone is on the same page.

What do you think? Do you think that SC Democrats are in trouble.