Monday, January 5, 2009

What is the Secret?

Every New Year, we always commit ourselves to making resolutions. We tell

ourselves that we are going to get closer to God. Some of us may say that we are going

to loose weight. Others are just looking for financial freedom or just happiness. The

other night I was watching a DVD called “The Secret” This DVD has changed my life in

a lot of ways. I am now training my mind and my heart with the techniques of the Secret.

The Secret explains that things move and exist in the laws of attraction.

We attract what we believe. If you believe that your life is a failure, then you will be failure.

If you believe that you are great and life is great, then you will attract greatness. The

laws of attraction are very powerful and can change your life. We should try our best to

focus all of our attention to positive things despite our current surroundings.

Positive Thinking is probably one of the hardest things for us to do in our lives.

Our society is filled with so much negativity, that if we see a person that is happy all the

time, we look at them as strange. Thinking positive is like physical exercise, we must

practice it until it becomes a habit. If you are at a point in your life were your finances

have hit rock bottom, try to focus on yourself coming out of that situation with more

money and better financial stability. If you take the time out each day just to say

something good to yourself, your life will change dramatically.

Regardless of what religion you are a part of, each one will teach you that

life is meant to be lived in abundance and not depression. Happiness is something that is

automatic, it is something one must pursue. Even in the Declaration of Independence, the

Founding Fathers realized and believed that all men should have life, liberty and the

pursuit of happiness. Basically they were telling us that life is given to us, liberty has been given

to us, but happiness is the main goal, the jack pot. We have to train ourselves each day to

pursue happiness and to make it part of our lives. I know that many of you are asking what is

the Secret? Well if you look into it, the secret is God, love and happiness. If you can

strive for these things each day, the secret will be released and you will enjoy everyday of

your life.

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