Wednesday, November 19, 2008

The Immortality of President Clinton

I believe that Former President Bill Clinton has achieved something that most ex-presidents have not been able to do, making their presidency live on will they are not in office. President-elect Obama (whom I support and admire) has chosen most of his cabinet with former Clinton Aides. This shows that how effective and powerful the eight year Clinton Administration was and still is. The legacy of Bill Clinton has the possibility of lasting for almost 20 years


wecare2 said...

As a "forever" supporter of President Bill Clinton, we too feel that his legacy will live on - perhaps way beyond your thought of 20 years - hopefully for generations to come. He IS the example of what a highly educated and truly caring president could and should be. We do believe that the success of the election of President-elect Obama reflects those same qualities - as did the election of President John F. Kennedy. All 3 - very caring, very intelligent, very educated. It also appears that Mr. Obama is surrounding himself with the best of the best - as did JFK and Mr. Clinton - they all recognized the intelligence, expertise of those around them.

Douglas Wilson said...

I agree 100%